Other research has shown acupuncture can help with regulating hormones and increase blood flow to the reproductive organs by boosting energy where it is needed and clearing energy blocks in someone’s system.
Having worked in an IVF clinic I know how acupuncture can help with stress in what can be a very challenging time.
Treatments for fertility are similar to treatments for other issues, so I will take a detailed history to establish how best to help you and what treatments may be of benefit to you.
Do contact me and we can have a discussion to see how I can best help your fertility journey.
Other research has shown acupuncture can help with regulating hormones and increase blood flow to the reproductive organs by boosting energy where it is needed and clearing energy blocks in someone’s system.
Having worked in an IVF clinic I know how acupuncture can help with stress in what can be a very challenging time.
Treatments for fertility are similar to treatments for other issues, so I will take a detailed history to establish how best to help you and what treatments may be of benefit to you.
Do contact me and we can have a discussion to see how I can best help your fertility journey.