Hello, I am a qualified acupuncturist in Shiplake between Henley-on-Thames and Reading treating adults and children. I have a degree in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine and completed a post graduate Diploma in Paediatric Acupuncture and am a member of The British Acupuncture Council. As you can see in the section headed ‘About Me’ I have used complementary medicine for 30 years and am a huge believer in the benefits of acupuncture.
Acupuncture has been used in China for thousands of years to improve people’s well-being. It is based on the principle that illness occurs when the body is out of balance and the energy in the body (called ‘qi’) is not flowing freely. Acupuncture seeks to allow the energy to flow freely again and put the body back in balance.
Acupuncture has a sound evidence base. The British Acupuncture Council website has lots of information and fact sheets on acupuncture and certain conditions. The website also details the growing body of evidence-based research on acupuncture’s effectiveness (https://www.acupuncture.org.uk). There is evidence to support its effectiveness in treating headaches, arthritis, back pain, insomnia and menopausal symptoms.
People who come to me for acupuncture also come with fertility issues, anxiety and mental health issues, hormonal issue, arthritis, digestive issues, asthma and for general well-being as well as the issues listed above.
Single use disposable needles are used which are very fine. Acupuncture treatment does not feel like an injection, most people do not feel the needle being inserted, but will feel a tingling or ‘pulling sensation’ which passes quickly. Please do contact me if you wish to discuss further what the treatment will feel like but I am very used to people having a fear of needles and also use non-needle techniques such as a laser pen, tuina, guasha, acupressure and shonishin.
Acupuncture has been used in China for thousands of years to improve people’s well-being. It is based on the principle that illness occurs when the body is out of balance and the energy in the body (called ‘qi’) is not flowing freely. Acupuncture seeks to allow the energy to flow freely again and put the body back in balance.
Acupuncture has a sound evidence base. The British Acupuncture Council website has fact sheets on acupuncture and certain conditions. The website also details the growing body of evidence-based research on acupuncture’s effectiveness (https://www.acupuncture.org.uk). There is evidence to support its effectiveness in treating headaches, arthritis, back pain, insomnia and menopausal symptoms.
People who come to me for acupuncture also come with fertility issues, anxiety and mental health issues, hormonal issue, arthritis, digestive issues, asthma and for general well-being as well as the issues listed above.
Single use disposable needles are used which are very fine. Acupuncture treatment does not feel like an injection, most people do not feel the needle being inserted, but will feel a tingling or pulling sensation.